Finally it knocked on the door: Our long expected weekend in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. We rented a huge beach house right at the waterfront which hosted around 30 people.
This house is just unbelievalable huge: 14 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a seperate pool room, a huge main area and th emost important: the heated Jacuzzi on the roof with a huge terrasse. Many of the interns stopped working on that Friday very early to make their 2,5 hour trip down to the coast. As I was leaving Malvern as one of the last persons together with Petra and Miguel, we arrived straight when the party started. All was set and people were sticking together for card games, Godzilla (an electronical version of Tabu, more or less), Jenga, Wii or simply just talking.

We had a few new interns around who arrived just a few days ago, so that was a good chance to get to know them. You can tell that we had a lot of guys around because the first Keg was empty at 1am. That was more or less the time when we decided to check out the heated Jacuzzi. What a brilliant idea!
It was so much fun, in the middle of the night and once the Jazucci started to cool down a little bit, we reheated.

No wonder that some of us stayed several hours in there, climbing out with fishy skin. This night ended around 5 or 6am for me, after we decorated one of our fellow interns with hot dog and cucumber slices...
The Saturday started with a healthy breaky and after watching an extremely funny movie (Eurotrip) that Bene brought, Mona, Miri, Dominik, Miguel and me made our way out into that nasty weather...Our destination was the huge outlet store just down the road. Of course we entered the A&F and the Hollister store as it was still cheaper than in the normal shops. Unbelievable! In the end, everyone was carrying around several bags with a happy smile:-)
Back at the house, we found people playing Monopoly or Playstation or just hanging around. Sooner or later everyone had dinner and we all started to warm for the 2nd party night. Some people didn't make it that long as they were tired from the first night. But of course the Jacuzzi was opened and heated again...After that we played a few rounds of Mario Kart on the Wii, before I fell into my bed at 6.30am in the morning.
The sunday morning started at 12 for me and after a nice breaky with the whole crowd, Petra, Anni and me decided to explore the beach even though the rough weather conditions.
It had been raining and it was pretty windy all weekend but fortunately on that Sunday afternoon, at least the rain stopped.
We had to leave the house at 5pm, so after we packed and cleaned up, Petra, Miguel and me made our way home.
It was a funny and interesting weekend and I kept up with the less sleep the week after. Watch the best pictures on my digital photoalbum: